Harry Potter Encyclopedia

27 July 2007

After finishing the promising Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book of the beloved Harry Potter series, you might feel satisfy with the story. However, you may also feel somewhat longing for more. Yeah, I knew it would come. According to J.K. Rowling’s first interview after the final book was on sale, she revealed what she had in mind for all of her characters. In fact, she intended to write more in the epilogue but held that idea back and left some open spaces for reader’s imagination. Nevertheless, she could provide detailed information for everyone in what she called “Harry Potter Encyclopedia.”

It seems that, not only me, but also everyone couldn’t get enough of Harry Potter.

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Wii Fit

25 July 2007

Wii Fit


Earlier this month on July 11 at Electronic Entertainment Expo (a.k.a. E3) 2007, the giant gaming company Nintendo demonstrated yet another innovative video game based on its breakthrough Wii game console called Wii Fit. The game will use the pressure-sensitive balance board as a controller so that the player should apply their weight and balance in order to play the game. This is a step beyond the infrared detected Wii remote control. Well, according to the press conference and video demonstration, there are plenty of activities you could enjoy with Wii Fit including yoga, push-up exercises, aerobics, virtual goal-keeper, hula hooping, ski jumping just to name a few. There would be no more couch-potatoes playing this game as you have to move your body almost all the time. The only problem is how safe the board is. There was a news of a player accidentally hit his TV with Wii remote control. It might be possible that someone might fall off the board and end up with a broken bone. There is a safety precaution to considered here.

However, this is another revolution for game playing. I wonder what will happen next. May be we could project ourselves completely into the virtual reality. That’s the future to see.

Paris, Je T’aime

24 July 2007

Paris, Je T’aime


So far I have visited Paris 2 times in my life. The first time was a short visit 10 years ago in 1997 when I was an exchange student in the Netherlands and traveled to France for a weekend. That was my first impression of Paris, the city of love, and I promised myself that I would definitely go back. This year, 10 years after the first time in Paris, I had a chance to visit the city again while attending the Deauville Asian Film Festival in March. (Read my blog entry here.) Paris is, and probably have been, as attractive and interesting as always. I guess this is the reason why I could relate to the French film – Paris, Je T’aime.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Thai Translation

23 July 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


It seems to me that I couldn’t get enough of Harry Potter as this is my forth consecutive entry regarding the young wizard that literally conquers the hearts of book lovers around the world. After finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yesterday, I got back and connected with online community and, to my relief, I am glad that I had successfully avoided all spoilers popping here and there. Those who thought I was a fast reader should reconsider as I found out that there were a number of people who finished the book before me and posted the detailed stories around the internet. It might be because there was a leak of the book online days before its promising release date.

It’s now interesting to think about the translation of the book into Thai language. I assume it to be quite a challenging task. Just naming the title as correctly and beautifully as the original by using Thai words is deemed impossible. Nanmee Books, Thai publisher who secures the rights of Thai translation, estimated that the Thai version of Harry Potter Book 7 would be released no later than December 2007, thus giving only 4 months for the translators and publishers to finish their jobs.

One more interesting point of Thai version of Harry Potter is the “acknowledgment of appreciation” at the back cover of the book. From Book 1 to 6, there were unique “acknowledgment of appreciations” for each book provided by the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin “Sinatra” Shinawatra. I wondered who will provide the new “acknowledgment of appreciation” for Book 7, as it is quite impossible for He-Who-Is-In-Exile to give the final words. We’ll see when the book releases nationwide. Until then…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Reading Day 2 (The End)

22 July 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


22 July 2007 – 11:55 PM

Finally, I finished the seventh and final book of Harry Potter today. It’s Sunday and I spent all my time at home reading this unstoppable entertaining novel of J. K. Rowling. Well, the end of the journey with Harry Potter and friends is as rewarding and satisfying as it should be. I wouldn’t give out the detail as you all should find it more enjoyable to find out yourself. You would definitely find the twists and turns of the plot and some little (or big) surprises all the way to the end of the book. Deaths and casualties of beloved characters seemed to be more than you expected to see. However, it is a war of good against evil, thus it is inevitable. I guess, in the end, the readers learn what the author of the book is trying to say – “Love conquers all.” Well, this is all I would say about the story. Those who are interested in the story should find out by reading it themselves. Believe me, reading the book definitely broadens your imagination.

Farewell, Harry Potter!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Reading Day 1

21 July 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


21 July 2007 – 10:00 AM

I got the book from a reservation I made some times ago at the bookstore near my home. Well, at first, I though it might be a good idea to join the official launching of the book in Thailand at Central World Plaza but it was too early in the morning (5:00 AM.) So, I decided to get the book quietly in the neighborhood.

After finishing a lunch with family, I spent the whole afternoon reading the book. Just like all previous Harry Potter books, I struck with the skill and charm of J.K. Rowling’s writing. The book contains 36 chapters plus an epilogue in 784 pages. So far, I have finished chapter 13 which could roughly counted as one-thirds of the book. At this rate, I guess I will finish the book within tomorrow or Monday. Well, I will keep posting here the progress, of course, without spoilers as I hated those who ruin the enjoyment and excitement of others by telling out the essential part of the story one should discover by oneself. Thus, you may read my post here at ease.

All I could say as of now is that the final volume of Harry Potter is worth the waiting. The early chapters fill with surprises and mysteries here and there. The characters from previous volume, loved and hated by readers, are back in sensible way. It’s interesting to see where the story heads to thus making the book barely unputdownable.

Until tomorrow, I am off reading the next chapter…

P.S. My favorite chapter so far is Chapter 7.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – The Wait Is Over

20 July 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Finally, the day has come. After reading the first book of Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling almost a decade ago, I could start reading the long-awaited final volume of the series entitled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when it will be simultaneously released around the world on July 21, 2007. Here in Thailand, there will be activities around Bangkok as big book stores choose the different venues around town to launch the book. Notably location should be at Central World Plaza where the event would commence at 6.00 AM (which is exactly midnight in London.)

Even though some of the books had been shipped out prior the set date, we don’t know if it’s accidentally or intentionally, I try my best not to take a look at what appeared to be a copy of the book online. I, as a book lover, want to read it all by myself and discover the twists and turns that the author prepared to surprise and entertain the readers without any spoilers.

I just can’t hardly wait for tomorrow. I might have to keep myself out of the online community and news for a while before finishing the book as there might be some spoilers and misinformation popping around. Until then…

Snap Shot – 01

19 July 2007

Snap Shot - 01


This picture was taken when I was on the bus on my way home from the opening ceremony of the 5th Bangkok International Film Festival. There, it was a red light and I noticed this motorcycle with a unique license plate. The three Thai alphabets on the top of the plate reads as “ร ว ย” which means RICH. I quickly took my digital camera out of my back just in time to take a snap shot of the plate – creating a strange trailing line of light in the photo.

It’s cool, isn’t it? There is always enjoyable sight to see on the road in Bangkok, day and night. All you have to do is paying attention and looking closely enough.

Bangkok International Film Festival 2007

18 July 2007

Bangkok International Film Festival 2007


The annual Bangkok International Film Festival will open for the fifth time on July 19, 2007 at SF World Cinema, Central World Plaza in Bangkok. The film festival is hosted by the Tourism Authority of Thailand in order to promote the movie industry in Thailand. The festival showcases more than hundred of interesting films from around the world with some panel discussions, workshops and exhibitions running along the program from 19 July – 29 July 2007. At the end of the festival, there will also be the presentation of the Golden Kinnaree Awards which are judged by a panel of international jury members.

This year, the film festival has been postponed from its planned date in February due to financial problem of the Tourism Authority of Thailand. The problem somehow resolved and the festival is rescheduled for the current date. As if it still needs more publicity, the Iranian embassy in Thailand recently asked to festival to take out the controversial acclaimed animated French feature film Persepolis which is set to be the opening film of the festival. The film tells the story of the Islamic Revolution as seen through the eyes of a nine-year-old girl which might post as a sensitive issue for Iranian citizens.

Hopefully, the festival will be a success. We’ll see how it turns out in the next ten days. If you are in Bangkok and love movies, you may drop by and watch some films at SF World Cinema Central World Plaza. For film schedule and more information, please visit the festival official website at http://www.bangkokfilm.org/

The New X-Files Movie – Coming Soon

17 July 2007

I Want to Believe


As the poster in the office of FBI Agent Fox Mulder stated, I want to believe that the film sequel of The X-Files, one of my favorites TV series, is set to come out soon. According to the report from The Hollywood Reporter, David Duchovny who stars as alien-hunting special agent Fox Mulder, said that he will receive a script of the film next week from the X-Files original creator and director Chris Carter and the writer Frank Spotnitz who both crafted an intriguing alien-related government conspiracy plot of the ten seasons TV Series airing from 1993 to 2002 and the movie entitled Fight the Future in 1998. This movie sequel might possibly be released after a decade of the first movie and conclude the X-Files series. Of course, it would star David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as special agent Fox Mulder and his comrade special agent Dana Scully.

I am looking forward to the movie. The truth is out there.


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